Thursday, February 11, 2010

My First Snow from a boy's eye view

I was impressed by the way it felt, how soft it was. It was kind how God made it. It was fun to get to play around in it and actually get to touch it. To feel the snow sprinkles in your mouth, to get to have a snowball fight. Thank you God for making the snow. It's fun to get to see and touch it. It feels like awesome to touch God's creation, it feels like goodness. It looks so white. I am thankful God gave us the earth and snow and winter - and summer and fall. The seasons are great. Thank you God for the snow and the good day. God is awesome in his ways and his doings, he's just an awesome God! It is great to have a family to spend time with in the snow. We had a snowball fight, we made snow angels, and rode our bikes. It's great to be with my family in the snow. --- Chase, "Rocky" age 6years.

1 comment:

  1. Rocky, I'm so glad you ar enjoying the snow.
    Have fun and drink some hot chocolate to warm up.
    ~Mrs. Marni
