Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Mom's view of her kids

I watched in delighted amazement as my children took in the falling snow this morning. Their excitement was contagious as the first flurries began to fall from a white sky. God had heard their prayers to actually see snow! We had been up north to Little Rock, AR only a day before and seen snow on the ground, but this was the first time they had seen it fall from the heavens. They were impressed the day before with snow, but this was different. Things are always different when you see them happening first hand and not just the after effects. That's how it is with God - to get the full amazing blessing is to see a change happen, to stand in the middle of his awesome presence and be invited to see a miracle. Whether that miracle be a changed life, or the changing seasons, or the changing weather. In a matter of hours the once bare ground was blanketed with soft snow. The trees that were naked before stood clothed in white majesty. What was bare and stark was made beautiful and white. So it is with our lives when we are conformed to His image, changed, transformed into a new creation. The children ran out, trying to catch the snow flurries on their tounges - - not willing to miss a single moment of God's miracle. Excited at the wonderland being created for them, while adults around the area probably grumbled about the the inconvenience, the cold, the wet and covered roads. All my kids could see was that God was doing something great for them. To be a child again - to stop and enjoy for a moment what God is doing, this divine appointment to join him as he changes the world for just a little while. Pick up a snowball, fall and make a snow angel, dance and be happy. Let this snow be a miracle for you today also. Their giggles, and excitement will last a lifetime in my they just new in their little hearts that God was doing this just for them because they had prayed for the snow to come home with them!

1 comment:

  1. God has truly blessed me with these Grandchildren

    I was amazed and truly blessed when I viewed Anna and Rocky's blog they are such wonderful children..........and you can tell they are truly God's children. Anna and Rocky you both did a wonderful job on your blog and MiMi is very proud of you, thank you for sharing it with me.

    Love and prayers,
